The Iida Zine
This zine will feature both Iida brothers, Tenya and Tensei,
from the manga/anime series Boku no Hero Academia.
It is a fan project and has no affiliation with the official work.The project is to start in February 2022 with an interest check,
with applications following at the beginning of March.A physical book, PDF book, and physical merch is planned.
Our zine shop is officially closed!
Thank you for all of your support!
Please keep an eye on our socials for information about
signing up for our mailing list and our upcoming Volume Two!!
Meet the Mods

Head Mod • Art • Graphics • Socials
Layout • Finance • Production • Shipping
she/her || 30s
Atlass is a tired panda who loves
(1) one square boi and the best older brother too much.
She’s been wanting to put together an Iida zine for about three years
(or more?) and is beyond excited to finally get started.
She has been working in print & digital design & layout since 2014.
• Let's Start a RIOT (23-24) — Head • FPS • Org • Socials • GFX • Layout
• Wintertide (2023) — Finance • Prod • Shipping • Graphics
• MHH: Submerged (2023) — Finance • Organization • Production
• Boku no Calendar (2023) — Finance • Production • Shipping
• BIAZ (2023) — Shipping Mod
• TSUKUYOMI (22-23) — Head • FPS • GFX • Layout • Socials
• The Kakashi Zine (2022) — Layout • Art
• RE//DUX (22-23) — Head • Layout • Art
• Vaporise (2022) — Art Mod
• MHH Dragon Smash! (2022) — Merch
• IidaTenBros (22-23) — Head • Socials • GFX • Layout • FPS

Head Mod • Shipping • Art Mod
Hello, I am Paigy. I am a chibi artist who also enjoys lots of things. I am currently in a doll plushie and merch making phase. I am delighted and honored to work on this Iida zine and support all the content to the fullest!
Head mod - Mister IIDA I (2020)
Graphic mod - Ukiyo, A Pretty Setters Zine (2020)
Graphic mod - Instinct Fashion Zine (2019)

42 / BooleanWildcard
Beta/Writing Mod
it/he/xe/they || 30s
usually found covered in cats and string, 42 occasionally emerges to play with pretty colors and pretty life! She is beyond ecstatic for this zine and fully hopes to bring justice to the Iida Bros with this zine!
I don't do much modding, but i do enjoy providing technical assistance with art and writing when asked. I also beta privately!

Finance Mod
she/he/they || 30
Yaba is a graphic designer with over a decade of experience in print production and four years of fandom zine experience, with a passion for collaborating and exhibiting the amazing works of fandom creators!
Head Mod, Design, Finance & Shipping:
Intertwined: A Kakairu Zine
A Thousand Lights
Dimensions: A Naruto AU Artbook
The Nanami Cookbook
Astraeus: A BNHA Astrology Zine
The Dawn of Spring: MXTX Zine
The Gojou Dessert Book

Coordination & Organization Mod • Socials
they/them || 30s
Magnus is a self-confessed fandom weirdo with a love for spreadsheets and all things eldritch and body horror.
Co-Head & Socials:
Intertwined: A KakaIru Zine
A Thousand Lights
Dimensions Naruto AU Artbook
The Nanami Cookbook
When Gods Wander Zine
Astraeus: A BNHA Astrology Zine
The Dawn of Spring: MXTX Zine
The Gojou Dessert Book
Organization & Socials:
Citrus: AllYuuji Zine
General & Socials:
The ShikaTema Zine V3
Plus several fan events, weeks,
and Discord servers

Graphics Assistant & Mascot Mod
she/they || 28
Muppet is an artist, writer, and part-time Jim Henson creation reject.
She just wants to eat spaghetti, juggle, and live her dream of fighting
Stain behind an abandoned McDonald's.Muppet started with our zine as a Graphics Assistant, helping Mod Atlass from
the shadows, but has finally been bullied into becoming a full mod :)
Various Discord Servers
Contributor Work!
Here we'll link contributors' work as they post it to socials! Please retweet/reblog/share their work if you can, and definitely give some kudos & comment love on ao3 <3
Eyes All On You by Robin Rye
"Eyes All On You" spot artwork by AtlassArts
Like the tree by tropicsbear
your success, engineered (your victory, made hollow) by WishMoon
Some Unfancy Legwork by Manfedzku
Cover Artwork by toboldlymuppet
Page Art by Aster Lizard
Page Art by Ponury Grajek
Page Art by AriLibella
Page Art by AntiBoo
Page Art by LYKAIOH
Page Art by miniyuna
Page Art by NinjaDuelist
Page Art by peterokii
Page Art by earthrises
Page Art by eliddz
Spread Art by coop!!!
Spread Art by AntiBoo
Page Art x2 by vintagehoneybees
Page Art by doodlegraveyard
Comic by Squid
Comic by yshean3
September 2023 by fictionalinfinity
March 2024 by aijousketches
February 1, 2022 - February 28, 2022
March 4, 2022 - April 10, 2022
April 10 - 15, 2022
April 15 - 17, 2022
April 29, 2022
May 1, 2022 - August 15, 2022
May 20 - 22, 2022
June 17 - 19, 2022
July 15 - 17, 2022
August 5 - 7, 2022
August 20 - September 25, 2022
Tracking #s will be sent via Email once your package's label has been created.
MARCH 15, 2023 – APRIL 23, 2023
APRIL 24, 2023 —
MAY 16, 2023
Any schedule changes will be announced on our Twitter & Tumblr
as well as highlighted here. Once the project starts, contributors
will be told of any schedule changes in our Discord channel.
Application Guidelines
PLEASE READ BELOW BEFORE APPLYING! THANK YOU!Writing, Page, and Merch applicants must be age 16 or over at the time of applying.
Cosplayers must be 18 or over at the time of applying.To apply:
Please create a folder for your portfolio in Google Drive
with your chosen credit name in the Drive folder's name.Be sure the permissions are set to be viewed by anyone with the link.Please submit only SFW examples in your portfolio -
blood / violence is okay, similar to canon content.Your examples do not have to contain Tenya or Tensei, but it is encouraged,
so that we can see how you represent the brothers in your style! :)
At least one work sample must be BNHA.Our applications will have a section for pitches. If you have ideas already,
we'd love to hear them! Pitches are not required for applying.Writers will be expected to write at least one fanfic.
Page artists will be expected to create at least one page of artwork.
Merch artists will be responsible for at minimum one piece of merchandise.
Cosplayers will be expected to produce at least one page.You may apply for multiple positions -
however, applicants will only be chosen for one role.
If you would potentially like to do more than one piece,
you may discuss with the Head Mods during the pitch period.
Please try to avoid linking directly to portfolio websites or social media for your main portfolio.
We can better assess your ability with a curated selection of your best pieces.
If you cannot use Google Drive folders for whatever reason, you can link socials or websites - however, please understand we will not be able to fully consider a broad range of work as accurately as we can a select few.
You will not be disqualified if you are unable to use Google Drive.
Please submit 2-3 samples that best demonstrate your style of writing.
Each sample should be 1,000-2,000 words. All 3 samples combined should not exceed 6k words.
We will be judging samples based on characterization, grammar, punctuation, flow, and plot.
All samples must be 100% written by you. Previous zine works are allowed. If the zine isn't released yet, please ensure you have permission from your mods to share!
Please submit 3-6 samples of finished work that best represent your style & ability.
We will judge pieces based on composition, color and/or value, understanding of form & depth, and anatomy.
Backgrounds are required, whether they are simple & decorative or environmental. At least one piece in your portfolio must have a detailed background.
If you would like to be considered for making a comic for the zine, please include AT LEAST one example of previous comic work, so we can judge how well you carry a plot, readability, style, and the layout of panels.
Both digital and traditional works are acceptable - however, traditional work must be scanned in high quality.
Please submit 3-6 samples of finished work that best represent your style & ability. A "set" can count as one piece (for example, if you have Iida, Deku, and Uraraka together in a sticker set - you can count that as 1 of your 3-6).
We will judge pieces based on composition, color and/or value, understanding of form & depth, and rendering.
We will consider more unique items during pitches, but if you have the desire to create a certain type of merchandise for the zine (enamel pins, acrylic charms, stickers, etc), it is encouraged to show work examples of those types of merch.
All examples do not need to be merch "items." Full illustrations/prints are encouraged.
Both digital and traditional works are acceptable - however, traditional work must be scanned in high quality.
All cosplay applicants must be 18 years of age or older. We are sorry for any inconvenience and hope you will understand.
Please submit 3-5 photos of cosplay. It is strongly encouraged to have one be of an Iida brother, but not required.
We will be judging samples based on composition, lighting, whether the photos tell a story, have a theme, or create a certain mood.
* Hand-made cosplay is required, but it does not need to be hand-made by you! Commissioned cosplay is great! However, please be sure to credit the commissioned artist in some way in your application (watermark, file name, separate document). Credit will be required on zine pieces as well.*
All cosplayers have different levels of skill and access to different things, so rest assured applications will not be judged on accuracy, skill level, etc.
You must be the cosplayer. Other cosplayers may be present in the photo.
If you are planning on a collaboration - for instance, a Tenya cosplayer with a Tensei cosplayer, each of you has to apply. Please fill out the "collaborator" section of the application by linking the other person's name & socials.
Model release forms will be required for anyone accepted. You may provide your own, but we will provide a template for contributors to fill & sign.
* If you are not the photographer, please also credit the photographer. A photographer release form is encouraged. A photographer release form will be required for zine work, if accepted (if the photographer is someone other than yourself).*
Is this zine for charity or for profit?
[Updated 6/24] This zine is a charity/profit split. Our charity of choice is Mermaids, an organization in the UK that helps transgender youth & their families. You can find more information about them by clicking the "CHARITY" link at the top of our carrd, which will lead to their website.[previous] Mod Atlass would like for contributors to be paid, so it will likely either be 50/50 profit & charity, or for profit with any remaining money after everything is said & done being split between all contributors. This decision may be made via interest check, so keep your eyes open for when IC opens at the beginning of February!
How will contributors be compensated for their work?
We’re going to try to get all contributors full physical bundles + free shipping! If sales do not allow, contributors will at the very least get a free PDF of the zine + any digital merch, and will be able to purchase any physical products at production cost + shipping.
What are the zine’s specs?
The book will be 5.5” x 8.5” (roughly 13.97cm x 21.59cm) vertical.The full size of zine illustrations must be 5.75” x 8.75” to allow for .125” bleed on all sides. Some spreads will be allowed for a horizontal size of 11x8.5 (11.25” x 8.75”).
Will templates be provided?
Yes! We have single page & spread templates as well as templates for merch items.
What is the theme of this project?
The theme is Tenya & Tensei Iida! :D Explore their relationship as brothers and their adventures alone or together. AUs will be allowed as well as timeline changes (baby Tenya with Tensei in UA, graduated Tenya as a pro hero, etc.)
Will you be assigning characters/ideas?
Nope! Your piece should feature either Tenya, Tensei, or both brothers, but we will not tell you which to do. We’ll be hoping for a balance, but won’t force contributors to go in one direction or the other. We may suggest choosing one pitch over the other if there’s multiple similar ideas, but ultimately we want you to be able to do what you’re excited about!
Can we draw other characters too?
All pieces must include Tenya, Tensei, or both, but they can absolutely be surrounded by friends & family (or villains!).
Is shipping allowed?
Not for this project! Please keep everything ship-free, including side ships & subtlety. We’d like the focus to be on the familial relationship between the Iida brothers, or about adventures they may have on their own.
What timezone is the project using?
We’ve got a variety of time zones amongst our mods, but for most deadlines the timezone used will be Central Time Zone (USA), GMT-6, with some leniency.
Will there be guest contributors?
Yes! Guest contributors will be decided both by mod suggestion & suggestions from the Interest Check. Mods will cast a vote and then reach out to invite guests to the project.
When will applications open? Who can apply? Can we apply for more than one position?
Applications will open on March 4, 2022.We are looking for applicants for fanfiction writers, page artists, merch artists, and cosplayers! We encourage you to apply for any position you’d like to be chosen for - however, only one position will be assigned at the mods’ discretion.
Will you email applicants regardless of acceptance?
Yes, of course! Noone likes being left in the dark. We will send out emails to all applicants regardless of being accepted, chosen as pinch-hitter, or rejected. We will announce on our socials when emails go out, so please check your spam folders if you don’t see yours soon afterward! Sometimes emails need to be sent in batches.
How many pieces of art will page artists be expected to create? Merch artists? Cosplayers?
Page artists will be expected to create at least one page of artwork.
Merch artists will be responsible for at minimum one piece of merchandise.
Cosplayers will be expected to produce at least one page.If you would potentially like to do more than one piece, you may discuss with the Head Mods during the pitch period.
What is the minimum and maximum word count for writers?
The word count expectation is 2,000 - 3,500 words.
How will we submit files for check-in and final submission?
Check-ins will be done by uploading files into a google form, which will be provided to contributors at the beginning of each check-in. Please include your credit name in the file names & ensure share settings are set to “view by anyone with the link!”
Will there be an international store / will you ship internationally?
Yes! International shipping will be priced at the time of preorders to account for fluctuating, especially given the ongoing pandemic. That information will be provided as soon as we can responsibly offer it.
When can I share my work on social media?
Once leftover sales have begun, we will allow contributors to share their work in its entirety on social media. Before then, we request that you only share sneak peeks. Please direct message either Mod Atlass or Mod Paigy to make sure the crop you want to share does not show too much. We ask that no more than 1/5 - 1/4 of any work is teased on socials before leftover sales.
Can I sell my work at conventions or online?
We ask that you please wait until the zine is fully wrapped up to offer the work for sale. Once leftover sales are closed, feel free to sell your work anywhere you’d like! Merch artists will receive remaining stock of their items and can feel free to reproduce on their own.

Can we submit excerpts for the writer apps?
Absolutely! Please feel free to choose just a portion of an existing fic for an application piece. We do ask that you make sure it is cohesive as a stand-alone piece, so we can judge it based on plot/flow/clarity.
(Also please feel free to link to the full version in the doc in case we wanna read the rest for fun :3 But that's not required. )
Can application pieces contain manga spoilers or should those be avoided?
We're fine with spoilers in applications! You can mark them by putting "spoilers" in the file name, but that isn't necessary.
Can I illustrate and write a fanfic?
You may apply for as many positions as you'd like, but unfortunately, each person will only be chosen for one role. It is possible we could allow both down the road - for instance, if someone drops - but we want to give more people a chance to contribute to the project :)
Do our applications need to contain pieces with detailed backgrounds?
If you are applying to be a page artist, please have at least one example with a detailed background. It could be environmental or decorative, but should demonstrate your ability to create an interesting composition. If you are applying to be a merch artist, you don't need examples with backgrounds, but you should have completed merchandise designs of some sort in your portfolio.
Will there potentially be stretch goals?
Would shipping be from the USA most likely?
Thank you for such a great idea!
• We are hoping to have 2-3 stretch goals! :)
• Shipping will be from Minnesota in the US
• Thank YOU for your interest and support! <3
maybe a theme?
Our theme is the brothers & their familial relationship :) Aside from keeping it gen, we want to allow contributors to explore AUs.If this project goes well, Mod Atlass really wants to run another that has more of a limited theme :D
Can I make a comic for the zine?
Thanks for asking! We discussed this, and we will consider some applicants for making comics for the zine. 2-4 pages will be allowed per comic. Please show at least one example of previous comic work in your portfolio.
Hmm, can I show bits of my progress?
Yes! Please make sure you keep it to very small bits at once. A paragraph or two if fic, 1/4 - 1/5 of the work if art or cosplay photography. If you're wondering if something may be too much to show on socials, just ask the mods in the ask-a-mod channel or shoot one of us a DM ^^
Should we only include MHA/Iida related content in our portfolio's or are other examples welcome?
Your more than welcome to include examples from other fandoms, or original ideas! (Original ideas are great :D) We just request that (1) piece is MHA/BNHA. It does NOT have to include the Iida bros, but if you've got one that does, please show us!You can find all our app guidelines > HERE <
Can Original and Canon characters be included in the portfolio?
Yep! OCs are just as welcome as canon characters!
What exactly will the Iida-zine be and how can we gat it ?
Hello! The Iida zine will be a book filled with fanfiction, fanart, and potentially cosplay photography from various creators in the fandom. There will be merchandise (possibly stickers, prints, keychains - things like that) that can be purchased alongside the book, and there will also be a digital PDF version available! Thank you for your interest!
Will the Iida-zine cost money ?
Yes, it will. Since we are planning to make physical products, we need to charge money for it in the shop in order to get those items produced.
I missed the Interest Check.can I still participate in the Iida-zine ?
Absolutely! We do the interest check to see how many people there are that are potentially interested in purchasing the zine or applying. This helps us to know how many contributors we can invite and helps to get an idea of our budget! It is absolutely NOT required to fill the Interest Check in order to participate! We fully encourage you to apply if you are interested :D
Will there also be a version where you don't need money ? I'm sure that also miners would like to have one but maybe their parents or other family members won't buy it for them.
With projects like this, our contributors work very hard, so we'd like for them to be compensated for their work! We're really sorry for the inconvenience. There ARE some fandom zines out there that are offered for free. You can check twitter users like @/faneventshub or @/atozines - they share a bunch of projects to help signal boost and are a really great resource.
Is there something we have to do to participate in the Iida-zine ?
We are taking applications starting tomorrow! You will need a portfolio of past pieces - art for artists, fics for writers, and photos for cosplayers. At the end of the application period, our team of moderators will go through all applications and choose who we will invite to the project. You can find all of the application details and further info on the zine HERE
Do we need a certain age to participate ?
We require for page artists, merch artists, and writers to be at least 16 years of age. For cosplay, we require that you are at least 18 years of age to participate. You can find more details HERE!
Is there a limit to how many people can particular
Yes, there is a limit to participants. We will have approx. 40-50 contributors. (I wish we could have a thousand bc these boys deserve the content, but budget :') - Atlass)
Hi. So I'm a writer from Germany and would like to participate in the zine. But, since English isn't my frat language, I sometimes have some grammatical mistakes in my writing. Can I still send in a Portfolio ?
Absolutely! Grammar is always something we can help with during beta-ing. What we view as most important is the plot, pacing, and characterization.
Will the Iida-zine come out weekly once per month ore all 3 or 6 months ?
Hello! These fandom zine projects take many months to put together. ^^ This zine (IidaTenBros) will come out this fall, and is a one-time project. Mod Atlass hopes to do more Iida zines in the future - however, nothing is set in stone.
You can see our creation & production schedule HERE
I really hope that there will be kre then one. I just love these brothers so much
;w; They deserve ALL the love.
If there's a fic one is writing, does it necessarily need to have both brothers, or can they be focused on just one?
If you're talking for applications - it is NOT a requirement to have either of the brothers in your pieces. We do like to see how you represent them, if you have the content - but not having a Tenya or Tensei piece will not hurt you. We only want to see one BNHA piece as a requirement :) Now, if you get accepted into the project - the zine piece can center on ONE -or- BOTH brothers. You can just do one. Hopefully I answered your question!
I'm excited for this zine and believe the Iida's are truly underated characters however I saw it's a requirment to have at least one bnha sample and alhtough I have drawn for BNHA none of it is my best work as I've been currently drawing for JOJO. Is it possible to apply for the merch artist position using a non merch bnha piece as my representation of it?
Sure thing! If you have non-BNHA merch pieces, we do want to see how you do merch, but we're very happy to see full illustrative works as well. A good scope of abilities is always nice to see. Hopefully this helps!
Can one be both a page artist and a writer?
As of right now, we will only be accepting applicants for -one- position. You can definitely apply for both! If it comes down to it, you could potentially be a pinch-hitter for the one you don't get accepted for. If there is one position you'd prefer over the other (if it comes down to us having to choose where to place you) you can always leave a note of your preference in the "any other questions" area.There may be opportunity to create additional content rather than the singular required piece, so please feel free to apply to multiple positions so we have your work on-hand :) The reason for the one-position-per-person is 1) make sure you have suitable time to dedicate to your work + regular life things that come up, and 2) allow more people the opportunity to join in the fun. I hope you understand!
Is it okay when I put a title, summary and warnings to my stories? It may then be a few more words that 2,000 because of it.
That's perfectly fine :D Warnings and such are very appreciated.
Hey. So I have a favourite written piece, but it has over 3,000 words. Can I still put it into the portfolio?
If there is a way you can take just a few scenes from it to fit the 1-2k, then that would be the best route. But if it's a piece you're very proud of and passionate about, it would be best to include it. We wanna see your best work, after all :) Just try to still aim for the total between all pieces to be around 6k.
Can we send in our written work as a Word document?
You can upload the Word doc(s) into Google Drive and then provide the drive link in the portfolio! Drive will automatically open Word docs as Google Docs - the formatting just looks a little different.
Is it okay to put "x reader" works, in our portfolio ?
Please avoid "x reader", if possible! Thank you for understanding!
Can we use works with a OC ( pwn character ) ?
Including original characters is just fine! If you do have an example or two of content that includes canon characters, we WOULD like to see how you interpret them.
Can we use writing with ships like Eijiro Kirishima x Mina Ashido ?
Ships are fine for the portfolio. Please do try to include some platonic interactions so we can see how you represent that, though, if you can! Also if possible, please list ships at the top of the document :) (lil info like that won't count toward your word count)
Hi. So I have a story where x reader is just mentioned. Could I use it ?
We would prefer that x reader is avoided if possible, but if you really want to use it for your portfolio, please include CWs at the top of the document for us ^^ Thank you!
What are CW's ?
CW means content warning! Similar to when movies warn about excessive violence or swearing or something, along with the rating.
for writer’s samples, may they contain spoilers from other media?
That is fine! Please put spoiler warnings at the top :D Thanks for asking!
Shall we just put our writings in the portfolio or also a description of us ?
Just the fics is fine for a portfolio. ^^
Do we need to give a few informations about our OC, when we use a fic with them?
If you want to, but it isn't necessary.
Can we put future fic ideas in our portfolio so you can see what we write in the future and if it is something interesting for the Zine ?
I'm sorry I don't quite understand - do you mean plot ideas that you have not written yet, but plan to?
I think that that is what they meant like ideas for future fanfics and plots
If that is the case - then yes, you may include them in your portfolio if you wish, but it will not be able to count as one of your 2-3 required pieces. Only fully written-out pieces will count toward the portfolio requirements.Also, please be aware that if you were to be accepted, it does not necessarily mean one of those ideas will be accepted for the zine - you will still need to pitch ideas during the pitching period after all contributors have been accepted and joined the project discord. :D
Have you already gotten many Portfolios for writers who want to participate, or are there still free places ?
We won't be choosing which applicants to accept until after applications close on April 10, so we fully encourage you to apply! :D Definitely looking for more apps!
How will you reach out to the ones that are accepted as a part of the Iida-zine ?
We will be sending emails to everyone who applied, accepted or not. It will be sent to the email you filled in on the form - between April 15th & April 17th. We'll post on our twitter & tumblr when emails have been sent, so if you're still not seeing it, check your spam folder, and if it's not there, let us know and we'll look :)
How many more people will be accepted into the Zine ?
We're looking to have a team of 30-40 contributors!
Contact Us!
Feel free to send a message via our socials!
Our DMs are always open.
Want to send an email?
Use the form below or send an email to
Contact Us!
Feel free to send a message via our socials!
Our DMs are always open.
We are using the same socials & contact info as Volume One.
Want to send an email?
Use the form below or send an email to